
Although the weather wouldn’t give much indication that it’s actually late spring, time marches on and we’re in the midst of what always ends up to be a crazy, hectic month.  I find myself muttering, “May, May….go away.” It’s mostly school stuff that takes up literally every evening of the week, but I guess that just makes one even more grateful for summer? If we make it, that is.

Other than that…Horray for Craigslist!! We searched all last spring and summer for a wooden swing set for the back yard. Our little metal one has become kind of….dangerous.. and every time one would come up, it would get snatched out from under us. Last weekend, with the help of Toby’s family, we were able to go and lug one out of someone else’s backyard. It’s perfect! (Although Kori is threatening to cancel our Craigslist subscription because so many of our “great” finds end up in heavy lifting for them.)

The mowing of the yard has started as well. Sadly, this may be our last year of “group mowing” with Daddy. There just won’t be enough room. Do they make a riding mower side car?

And my very favorite thing…getting to cut flowers from the yard:

Tomorrow we officially say goodbye to Chad and Amanda in Sunday School. Next weekend they take off for Peru. I’ve kind of tried to not think about this actually happening, but I don’t think I can anymore. Lots of happy and sad emotions there.

And finally, Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! Wish I could be there to go to the annual brunch with you and plant flowers in the yard. Love you!

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1 Response to spring?

  1. vicki says:

    Love you, sweetie. Finally the swing set, yea!

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